Vue ChartsUpgrade to AG Charts 11.0

What's New

See the release post for feature highlights of what's new in this major version.

Users of integrated charting on AG Grid, should refer to this migration guide when upgrading to AG Grid version 33.1.


See AG Charts 11.0 Documentation.

Breaking Changes

The full list of breaking changes across all features for version 11.0.

Breaking Changes

This release includes the following breaking changes:

  • AgCharts.setLicenseKey() - removed, use LicenseManager.setLicenseKey() instead.

Series Changes

  • Series type bullet - removed, use the Linear Gauge instead.
  • Bar Series label.placement:
    • inside - removed, use inside-center instead.
    • outside - removed, use outside-end instead.
  • Waterfall Series label.placement:
    • inside - removed, use inside-center instead.
    • start - removed, use outside-start instead.
    • end - removed, use outside-end instead.

Axes Changes

  • All AgCrossLineLabelPosition options are changed to kebab-case. For example, topLeft becomes top-left.
  • If axes[].tick.enabled: false, any provided axis[].label.padding is the distance between the label and the axis.
  • On all axis labels, padding - removed, use spacing instead.
  • axes[].crosshair.label.className - removed, use the provided classes for adding custom styles or provide a custom HTML renderer instead.
  • ag-crosshair-label* CSS classes - removed, use ag-charts-crosshair-label* instead.
  • Removed redundant format of category axis labels:
    • axes[type = 'category'].label.format
    • axes[type = 'category'].crosshair.label.format
    • axes[type = 'angle-category'].label.format
    • axes[type = 'radius-category'].label.format

Tooltip Changes

  • The tooltips have an improved visual layout and now include more information about the hovered item.
  • The tooltip.renderer has changed:
    • It now takes heading, title and data properties instead of title and content.
    • The heading and title properties are typed as String and the data property is typed as String[]. These no longer accept HTML.
    • The params provided no longer return color. Use fill and stroke instead.
    • With the exception of ohlc, candlestick, and waterfall series types, itemId is no longer provided in the params.
  • The CSS classes have changed:
    • ag-chart-tooltip - removed, use ag-charts-tooltip instead.
    • ag-chart-tooltip-title - removed, use ag-charts-tooltip-heading and ag-charts-tooltip-title instead.
    • ag-chart-tooltip-content - removed, use ag-charts-tooltip-label and ag-charts-tooltip-value instead.
  • tooltip.class - removed, use the provided classes for adding custom styles or provide a custom HTML renderer instead.

Financial Charts Changes

  • chartType of range-area - removed, use hlc instead.
  • AgPriceVolumePreset.rangeToolbar - removed, use rangeButtons instead.
  • AgPriceVolumePreset.xKey - removed, use dateKey instead.
  • AgPriceVolumePreset.annotations - removed, use toolbar instead.


  • legendItemClick and legendItemDoubleClick events no longer return the state of the clicked item in the params. To get this information, subscribe to the chart.seriesVisibilityChange event.
  • MarkerShape union is no longer typed any.
  • Custom marker shapes are now defined with a callback function instead of extending a Marker class.
  • AgChartSerializableState - removed, use AgChartState instead.
  • navigator.min and navigator.max - removed, use initialState.zoom.ratioX.start and initialState.zoom.ratioX.end instead.
  • zoom.ratioX, zoom.ratioY - removed, use initialState.zoom.ratioX and initialState.zoom.ratioY instead.
  • zoom.rangeX, zoom.rangeY - removed, use initialState.zoom.rangeX and initialState.zoom.rangeY instead.
  • navigator.miniChart.label.padding - removed, use navigator.miniChart.label.spacing instead.
  • Locale string toolbarAnnotationsColor - removed, use toolbarAnnotationsLineColor instead.
  • All icons with -legacy suffix have been removed.
  • toolbar.zoom - removed, use zoom.buttons instead. Unused options of position, align, size, draggable, buttons[].id, and buttons[].role are removed.
  • toolbar.annotations - removed, use annotations.toolbar instead. Unused options of position, align, size, draggable, buttons[].id, and buttons[].role are removed.
  • toolbar.ranges - removed, use chart.ranges instead. Unused options of position, align, size, draggable, buttons[].id, and buttons[].role are removed.
  • toolbar.annotationsOptions - removed, use annotations.optionsToolbar instead. Unused options of position, align, size, draggable, buttons[].id, and buttons[].role are removed.
  • toolbar.seriesType - removed, use chart.chartToolbar instead. Unused options of position, align, size, draggable, and buttons are
  • ag-chart-context-menu* CSS classes - removed, use ag-charts-context-menu* instead.
  • Overlay CSS classes have changed:
    • ag-chart-loading-overlay - removed, use ag-charts-loading-overlay instead.
    • ag-chart-no-data-overlay - removed, use ag-charts-no-data-overlay instead.
    • ag-chart-no-visible-series - removed, use ag-charts-o-visible-series instead.

Behaviour Changes

The full list of behaviour changes across all features for version 11.0.

Behaviour Changes

This release includes the following behaviour changes:

Theme Defaults

  • If axes[].tick.enabled: true, the labels default to a padding of 5px away from the tick.
  • The Navigator - including its mask and handles - have updated height, fill and corner radius defaults.

Other Changes

  • All series and axis labels default to removing trailing zeros. Use the format and formatter options to modify.
    • Additionally some incorrect rounding scenarios have been fixed, e.g. 5.555 now correctly rounds to 5.56 instead of 5.55.
  • Pie and Donut Series labels default to displaying two decimal places without trailing zeros. Use the formatter or format options to modify.
  • A stacked normalized area series datum where all the values are 0, will connect to a point at 0 rather than leaving a gap.
  • The default Zoom selection area when axes: 'xy' now ignores aspect ratio. Use zoom.keepAspectRatio to change this.
  • Scrolling events on a chart with zoom enabled, will now be passed to the parent if zoom is at minimum or maximum levels.


There are no deprecations in AG Charts version 11.0

Changes List

See the full list of changes in the AG Charts 11.0 changelog.