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Salt Lake City, USA/community/events/organiser-logos/ng-conf-logo.webpng-confng-conf 2024 marked our 7th consecutive year as sponsors. This year our focus was on AG Charts, but, of course, we couldn't forget about the Grid where we've been working hard to significantly improve the performance in Angular. These improvements to the Grid performance were the result of in-depth research into profiling Angular apps and so we decided to share these profiling techniques in Stephen Cooper's talk: 'Perfecting your Profiling Skills'.March 20th, 2024
Amsterdam, NL/community/events/organiser-logos/react-summit-logo.svgReact SummitWe had the privilege of being premium sponsors once-again at React Summit Amsterdam. Drawing in over 10,000 developers (with 1,000+ of them in-person on the Friday) React Summit is the self-described 'Biggest React Conference Worldwide'. We certainly had that impression, with 100s of conversations at the booth, and a packed audience for Mana's talk: The Path to High-Performance Canvas Rendering.June 17th, 2024
London, UK/community/events/organiser-logos/react-advanced-logo.svgReact AdvancedAG Grid is once again the top sponsor of React Advanced London, as we were in 2023. This event holds a special place in our hearts, given that London is where AG Grid was born. We look forward to seeing you there again later this year - keep an eye on this page more updates as we get closer to OctoberOctober 28th, 2024
New Jersey, USA/community/events/organiser-logos/react-summit-logo.svgReact SummitOur last (but by no means least) event of 2024. It's still early stages yet, but we can confirm that we'll be sponsoring React Summit US again this year, following its successful inaugural event in 2023.November 13th, 2024


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The Path to High-Performance Canvas Rendering in React

An overview of the top 3 approaches you can apply to boost the rendering performance of HTML Canvas in your React application, based on the lessons we learned during the development of AG Charts.

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