Angular ChartsZoom


AG Charts allows zooming into charts, making it easier to navigate large datasets.

To enable this feature, set zoom.enabled to true.

zoom: {
    enabled: true,

In the above example you can:

  • Scroll in and out with the mouse wheel or trackpad.
  • Zoom and pan using touch and multi-touch functionality.
  • Use + and - keys to zoom in or out (when in focus).
  • Click and drag the mouse to pan around the zoomed in chart.
  • Click (or touch) and drag an axis to zoom in or out on only that axis.
  • Double click (or double tap) anywhere to reset the zoom.
  • Double click (or double tap) an axis to reset the zoom on only that axis.

If axis[].tick.maxSpacing is provided, the axis ticks and labels will update with the zoom.


This allows zooming by using the mouse wheel or trackpad, as shown in the above example and is enabled by default. To disable, use enableScrolling: false.

Anchor Point

By default, the chart will zoom while keeping the right side of the x-axis pinned. You can change this anchor point with the anchorPointX and anchorPointY properties, setting them each to one of:

  • start, the left or bottom of the chart when scrolling on the x or y axis respectively,
  • middle (default for y-axis), the middle of the chart,
  • end (default for x-axis), the right or top of the chart when scrolling on the x or y axis respectively,
  • pointer, keep the mouse pointer above the same position on the chart when zooming.

In the example below, we set the anchor point for both axes to the mouse pointer.

zoom: {
    anchorPointX: 'pointer',
    anchorPointY: 'pointer',

Scrolling Step

When scrolling, the chart zooms in by a single step for each movement of the scroll wheel or trackpad. By default scrollingStep is set to 0.1, or 10% of the chart each time.

In the example below, we change the step to 0.4.

zoom: {
    scrollingStep: 0.4,


By default, scrolling zoom is only enabled for the x axis. This can be changed by setting the axes property to x, y or xy.

In the example below, we enable zoom on both the x and y axes.

zoom: {
    axes: 'xy',


This is enabled by default and allows users to click and drag to move around a zoomed chart. To disable, use enablePanning: false.

If zoom by selecting is enabled, clicking and dragging will no longer pan by default. Instead the user will need to hold down a key to switch to panning mode.

This key defaults to alt but can be set with the panKey property to one of alt, ctrl, shift or meta (the command key on MacOS or start key on Windows).

In the example below, panning can only be done by holding down the shift key while clicking and dragging.

zoom: {
    panKey: 'shift',


This method of zooming works by clicking and dragging a box to select an area on the chart. This is disabled by default. To enable, use enableSelecting: true.

In the example below, the user can only zoom in by selection, and can only zoom out by double-click to reset.

zoom: {
    enableAxisDragging: false,
    enablePanning: false,
    enableScrolling: false,
    enableSelecting: true,

Two Finger Zoom-Pan

By default, using two fingers to pinch in or out will zoom the chart. It is also possible to use two fingers to pan a zoomed chart.

To disable this behaviour, use enableTwoFingerZoom: false.

zoom: {
    enableTwoFingerZoom: false,

In the above example:

  • Two fingers gestures are not consumed by the chart. Instead they zoom or scroll the entire page.

Dragging an Axis

By default, a user can click and drag on any axis to change the zoom of that axis. This ignores the axes property and is enabled by default for all axes. To disable, use enableAxisDragging: false.

In the example below, we have two series, each attached to a different y-axis. Dragging one of the y-axes will zoom both of them.

Double-Click to Reset

This allows users to reset the zoom by double-clicking in an empty space in the chart area, and is enabled by default. To disable, use enableDoubleClickToReset: false.

Minimum Visible Items

The minVisibleItems option can be used to limit how far a user can zoom in to the chart.

The example below demonstrates setting minVisibleItems to 10, preventing the user from zooming beyond showing a minimum of 10 points on the line.

zoom: {
    minVisibleItems: 10,

Auto Scaling

Auto Scaling dynamically adjusts the y axis to fit the visible data whenever the x-axis is zoomed or panned.
This is disabled by default. To enable, use autoScaling: true.

zoom: {
    autoScaling: {
        enabled: true,

In the above example:

  • Zoom in to the chart by scrolling and then pan left and right.
  • Observe how the vertical axis domain changes to fit the displayed data range.

Auto Scaling is never applied when the user has manually adjusted the y-axis by dragging it. Auto Scaling will be reapplied when the y-axis is reset, for example by double clicking on it.

The zoom functionality can be used together with the Navigator to add a visual reference to the zoom position.

Context Menu

When both the zoom and Context Menu are enabled, additional zoom actions are added into the Context Menu for zooming and panning to the clicked location.


Zoom buttons are enabled by default. To disable, use zoom.buttons.enabled: false.

Hover near the bottom of the above example to see the default zoom buttons.

  • Zoom out: Zooms the chart out by one step.
  • Zoom in: Zooms the chart in by one step.
  • Pan left: Pans the chart to the left by one step.
  • Pan right: Pans the chart to the right by one step.
  • Reset: Resets the zoom to the original level and position. Equivalent to Double-Click to Reset.

To change when the buttons will appear, use zoom.buttons.visible:

  • always – The buttons will always be visible.
  • zoomed – The buttons will appear when the chart has been zoomed.
  • hover – The buttons will appear when the mouse is hovered near the bottom of a chart which has zoom enabled.


It is possible to customise the visibility, order and grouping of buttons, as well as modifying the icon, label text and tooltip for each.

zoom: {
    buttons: {
        visible: 'always',
        buttons: [
                icon: 'zoom-in',
                tooltip: 'Decrease Visible Range',
                value: 'zoom-in',
                label: 'In',
                section: 'zoom'
                icon: 'zoom-out',
                tooltip: 'Increase Visible Range',
                value: 'zoom-out',
                label: 'Out',
                section: 'zoom'
                icon: 'pan-start',
                tooltip: 'Pan to Start',
                value: 'pan-start',
                section: 'pan'
                icon: 'pan-end',
                tooltip: 'Pan to End',
                value: 'pan-end',
                section: 'pan'
                tooltip: 'Undo all Zoom',
                value: 'reset',
                label: 'Reset',
                section: 'reset'

In the above example:

  • The pan-left and pan-right buttons are not shown.
  • Additional buttons are added to enable panning to the start and end of the x-axis.
  • All the buttons have custom tooltip text.
  • The order of the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons is swapped and they have a label as well as an icon.
  • The reset button has only a label and no icon.

For more information see the API Reference section.

Asynchronous Loading

Use the dataSource option to asynchronously load in new data as the chart is zoomed.

dataSource: {
    getData: ({ windowStart, windowEnd }) => {
        return FakeServer.get(windowStart, windowEnd);

In this example, the getData function returns both the coarse data plus additional finer grained data for the visible time window.

The data returned from the getData function should always include the coarse data set to ensure the chart knows the full extent of the data.

The windowStart and windowEnd parameters will be undefined if the chart does not have a time axis. They will also be undefined on the first call to dataSource.getData() if no axis[].min and axis[].max are provided on the time axis.

Save & Restore

The zoom state can be saved, restored and programmatically initialised and modified, using the Chart State API.

API Reference